Cartilage melting in rhinoplasty It is unusual for the cartilage to melt in patients who have undergone rhinoplasty. The cartilages may melt in very specific reasons, Does cartilage melt in the nose without surgery? No, it won’t melt. However, as the age progresses, perhaps after the age of 70, the cartilages may not be as strong as before. This is a different situation. In which patients cartilage melts? If we list the conditions that will cause cartilage loss in rhinoplasty: Heavy smokers: Since cigarette smoke will reduce the oxygen rate in the blood, the cartilage used during...
Prof.Dr.Salih Aydın, Rhinoplasty
Aug 7, 2022
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Sneezing, bending, laughing after nose aesthetics Rhinoplasty, postoperative mistakes ! Is sneezing dangerous? Silicone or other tampons placed in the nose in rhinoplasty create a feeling of sneezing in the nose. This is especially true in allergic people. Sometimes patients sneeze 20 times a day. For this reason, we give doctors allergy medications after surgery. These medications reduce sneezing but do not completely stop it. Sneezing does not harm your nose after surgery. You can sneeze as slowly as you can. Does laughing hurt the stitches? Laughing or talking right after the surgery does...
Prof.Dr.Salih Aydın, Rhinoplasty
Nov 6, 2021
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Phone drop to nose after rhinoplasty A phone fell on your nose in the middle of the night! what you should do? How does the cell phone fall into the nose? In recent years, mobile phones have become our closest friends. When we can’t spare much time during the day, it has become a habit that we all do frequently to take a look at the news, browse social media, and watch reels videos in the evening. While lying on the sofa or lying in bed, our phone that we hold up can suddenly fall on our nose. Sometimes, your clumsy friend around you can hit your hand and drop the phone. What happens...
Prof.Dr.Salih Aydın, Uncategorized
Oct 24, 2021
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Ablution and pray after rhinoplasty When can ablution and prayer start by taking water into the nose after rhinoplasty? Is the technique applied in nose surgery important? Many different techniques can be used while performing rhinoplasty. In fact, every doctor applies the method that feels safest to him. What I will tell in this article is valid for my patients that I have operated on. To be sure, you should ask your doctor what ablution and prayer will begin after rhinoplasty. The information in this article is for advice only. Making ablution by taking water into the nose There will be a...
Prof.Dr.Salih Aydın, Rhinoplasty
Jul 11, 2021
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Skin treatment drugs in rhinoplasty The one of the important issue for patients who decide to have a rhinoplasty is the thick and oily skin structure. Our patients who are considering rhinoplasty surgery mostly use drugs containing “Isotretinoin” in their skin treatments. Market names of drugs containing isotretinoin Isotretinoin or isotretinoin is popularly known as acne medicine. It is marketed under the brand names Roaccutane, Aknegen, Aknetrent, Zoretanin. These drugs are only prescribed by dermatologists. These drugs are used not only in the treatment of acne but also in...
Prof.Dr.Salih Aydın, Rhinoplasty
Apr 18, 2021
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